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24 04 Metalmat Noticia Adiado 2No dia 3 de maio de 2019, às 10hrs, na sala F-220, acontecerá a palestra Life, Study and Recycling in Slovakia, que será ministrada pela Prof. Andrea Miškufová e pela Dra. Hedviga Horváthová

Dr. Hedviga Horvathova

She is an Assistant professor at the Institute of Recycling Technologies (IRT, urt.fmmr.tuke.sk) at the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy, and Recycling of the Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia in the Environmental engineering. Thorough her career she was working on various projects which were dealing with biosorption, bioleaching, etc. Currently, her professional activities are primarily focused on methods such as adsorption processes and ion exchange. She is also dealing with hydrometallurgical processes of recovering some metals from various sources of waste e.g. Nd-Fe-B magnets and Al dross. She cooperates on projects namely the Laboratory of Industrial Waste Processing (www.lspo.sk), and Projects of the Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV) „RECWAZ“ which deals with processing of industrial wastes with the aim to obtain zinc, tin and lead - based marketable products.

Prof. Dr. Andrea Miskufova

She works as a full professor at the Institute of Recycling Technologies (IRT, urt.fmmr.tuke.sk) at the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling of the Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia, in the „Environmental engineering“ branch. She is the head of Department of Waste Processing. She is experienced in recycling of industrial and municipal solid wastes as well as in recovery of non-ferrous metals from secodary raw materials (especially light metals and rare earth metals). At present she is focusing mainly on Cr, V, Ga and REE metals recovery from sesondary sources and waste water purification techniques. Up to date she has published 2 monographs, 3 textbooks, 155 scientific publications (8 in Current Contens) with 176 citations (134 in CC). She cooperates with industrial partners in developing the technology for aluminum dross and salt slag processing. She participates in research performed in the Laboratory of Industrial Waste Processing (www.lspo.sk), which operates the hydrometallurgical pilot plant in cooperation with the industrial slovak partner ŽP-Research and Development Centre, s.r.o (www.zpvvc.sk/vvc). She performs an expertise in evaluation process of environmental impact assesment and waste disposal issues for Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. She acts as an investigators in the project HORIZON 2020 (CHROMIC; No 730471) which is dedicated to recycling of steelmaking slags and recovery of valuable and critical metals from them. She organizes an international scientific conference Quo Vadis Recycling (2013/2017).
